Building a Sustainable Company

At Infinity Retail Services, our commitment to operating an ethical, responsible, and successful business is reinforced by our sustainability initiatives. This commitment to our clients, ourselves, and all future generations fuels our passion to help successfully transform our industry. Our sustainability model is used to evaluate social, community, environmental and economic metrics to measure our business impact and ethically balance profitability with our responsibility to environmental integrity, social justice, and community well-being.


We believe in establishing and maintaining a culture where employees feel they contribute not only to our bottom line, but also to society, both now and in the future. Our roots of social commitment are anchored by an employee pride to keep American manufacturing in America and to help it grow responsibly.


Supporting the essential working relationship between global markets and our local community is important to us. While our end products are designed to lay the groundwork for our customers to compete in the global marketplace, we engage our local economy to achieve these ends, and our business model supports this essential initiative. We prioritize sourcing raw materials, components, and services at a local level. We are committed to ensuring the vitality of our community through responsible practices and forward-thinking action.




(715) 220-4625

Infinity Retail Services
585 Western Blvd
Turtle Lake, Wisconsin 54889